Following significant year on year growth and a re focus on the end user, Secure Retail needed to ensure that the company’s brand identity  accurately reflected the business.

Kilvington was commissioned to undertake a complete brand audit, helping provide clarity and focus of message and tone of voice. A clear positioning and core brand values were developed, accurately communicating the ethos, activities and unique benefits of the business.

This informed the creative interpretation of a new look and style for Secure Retail, embracing logotype, secondary branding elements, colours, fonts, icons and images.

This brand new website coincides with RBTE at Olympia 2-4 May, where  Secure Retail launches its new brand identity with a new stand design and literature.

Paul Kilvington, Founder of Kilvington commented, “Secure Retail had completely outgrown its old look and style, which no longer communicated what the business now represents or its future plans. This fresh, new brand identity accurately reflects the direction of the company for the foreseeable future.”