About Us
Secure Retail is the trusted global provider of payment solutions, hardware, software and services to leading brands across a variety of market sectors on a global scale. Evolving from an electronic manufacturing background founded in 1986, our focus has always been on accuracy, process and overall customer satisfaction, these core values provided a nice transition path into a payments business in 2003. During 2023 Secure Retail celebrated our 20 year anniversary and in January 2024 we completed the acquisition of Smart Technology Solutions (STS).
Secure Retail is registered in the UK and the Netherlands with logistical operations in both countries.
Our wealth of knowledge has been built over years of collective experience within the payment industry, and is recognised and respected by world leading manufacturers, software development houses, and of course, the vast number of end customers who we support daily.
Secure Retail is always at the forefront of the ever-changing payment technology and compliance world and is, therefore, a partner you can rely on to advise and assist you throughout the entire lifecycle of your payment solution. All elements of our service provision have been certified to the latest compliance standards including PCI P2PE.
No other company provides a more comprehensive range of technology and hardware solutions to meet the secure payment challenges faced by your business.
Secure Retail’s Quality Policy is available upon request.